Good bye to 24 items this week! I'm so proud!I will have to make new items very soon and here are my ideas, supplies and inspirations...
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I doubt you read this anymore, but you never know, you don't reply to anything else I've ever sent, maybe we'll see. I just want to let you know that the money you scammed me out of (105$ Canadian) in December? The money that was from my Grandmother? Well, she passed away a month ago. I doubt that weighs on your conscience in the slightest, because, uhm, you steal money from people over the internet, but I thought you should know, on the outside chance maybe you would feel the slightest bit bad and maybe refund the money you know you owe me. I would also like to remind you of how nice I was when you told me about your (probably bullshit) hospital thing that kept you from sending my stuff, and then refunding, etc. I was very kind about that. And... I dont' know, I guess you're a really different sort of person than me, because I could never do that to someone. I know I've emailed you and your partner in crime alot, and I know I've been mean and frustrated, but, of course you understand--you stole money from me. You'll find that people aren't super nice when you steal from them. At the very least, it's strange for me, remembering my Grandma, and how the last thing she ever gave me... was stolen. By you. Weirdly enough, I will probably never forget that. I really believe that one day I will get that money back from you. I do. So, if you ever read this, I'd like you to know that stealing someone's deceased Grandmother's christmas money is TERRIBLE karma. It's not too late to give me back the money you've taken. At the very least, I'm confident in the fact that you'll get yours, one day.
You'd never think someone who makes such cool stuff could be such an evil, hateful, thieving bitch.